Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An Overview of My Political Views

To anyone that knows me, its no secret, I am a Democrat.  I'm not talking about the NYC or California brand, I'm talking about common sense people that support common sense solutions.  I believe that the brand of Democrats that are in Missouri are very interesting.  They have a sensibility, a kind of seasoning that they have gotten through their life in having to work with Republicans.  I for one am very happy I am a Missouri Democrat.  My views have been challenged time and time again, and every time they're challenged they grow stronger.  I have gained a respect for Republicans at the grass roots level (as opposed to the leadership) and really think that 99% of the people in this country really do have the best interest of the country as a whole at heart.  I think as long as that is the case we can work out our differences.  

While the vast majority is well meaning, there are those in our political system that see the world as their playground and will do whatever they can in order to benefit themselves.  These people couldn't care any less about the welfare of everyday Americans, or our society and where our country is headed.  They simply care for themselves and that is all.  I think that's what the current batch of Republicans in Congress are doing now.  Mitch McConnell is one of the worst offenders.  He's been quoted saying he couldn't support anything the President does just in case it might be popular.  This is one of the most powerful men in the country.  He's only concerned with keeping himself in power, and although it's not surprising, its still reprehensible.  

Many people say, "Well, both sides have problems.  Both sides are ineffective and corrupt."  While both sides have had their share of scandals, Republicans repeatedly put ideology and special interests ahead of the interest of the country.  They continually do this over and over (debt ceiling, violence against women, etc.).  Then, pundits try to find an equivalent on the Democratic side for the same destructive action.  They simply can't.  Republicans (the leadership) do not care about the condition of the country, they only care about short term political gains and will do anything to stay in power.

With my distaste for Republicans some might say I sound like a flaming liberal.  I wouldn't want people to confuse my passion for the issues and my passion for fairness for extreme views.  I believe compromise is completely essential to our government functioning properly.  Compromises, however must be true compromises and be proportionate to the amount of Congress each side controls.  If the Republicans have a lopsided minority in each house, a healthcare bill completely stripped of any public option for health care is not acceptable just to get by the filibuster.  The American people elected a majority of Democrats for a reason, and it goes against the interests of the country to block that majority's agenda.  The minority party should try to get as many gains as they can while working to get back the majority, not completely bring government to a halt to complete a self fulfilling prophesy about the ineffectiveness of public institutions.

While politics will certainly be a part of this blog, as it is a part of my life, I hope to not make this a one trick pony of a experience.  Politics are VERY important to me.  It is the subject I am studying and hope to devote my life to, however life is much more than just one passion or motive, and I hope to include all the other fun stuff that goes along with life as well.

In the beginning...

My name is Jacob Walker.  Some of you might know me from my Facebook, but I hope that my audience will expand so that I can have an outlet for expression of my ideas and thoughts on all sorts of aspects of life.  At this moment I am starting this blog because I have had a hazy idea of what I want it to be.  I know I would like to photograph urbanity and advocate for it.  I would also like to review restaurants and get the word out about great things to do and experience in the St. Louis area, my hometown.  I will also comment on politics and have no shortage of opinion.  This won't be surprising for anyone that knows me.  I feel like I just have so much to say, so here I am, finally taking advantage of the internet, and using it as an outlet.